Law and Ordower
Ordower Law Blog
July 20, 2023
What is the Ontario Business Registry and How Can I Access It?

Incorporating in Canada: what you need to know about CRA tax accounts.
May 15, 2023
New In 2023: Register of Individuals With Significant Control Now Required for Ontario Corporations

In an effort to increase corporate transparency, the Ontario Business Corporations Act (“OBCA”) now requires Ontario private corporations to maintain a register of “individuals with significant control” (excluding private corporations that are wholly-owned subsidiaries of a public company). A similar requirement exists under the Canada Business Corporations Act for federal corporations. Who has “significant control”? […]
April 13, 2023
Should I Incorporate Myself or With A Lawyer?

As you get ready to incorporate your company, there are some important questions that you should address. First, if you will be operating your business in Ontario, you can either incorporate an Ontario corporation or you can register a federal corporation and obtain an Ontario extra-provincial registration. Click here to read about the difference between […]
April 12, 2023
Incorporating A CPA Professional Corporation in Ontario

Chartered Professional Accountants in Ontario who wish to practice their profession through a corporation may only do so through a Professional Corporation. A CPA Professional Corporation is simply a corporation that is subject to the conditions set out in the Ontario Business Corporations Act (the “OBCA”) and the rules and regulations mandated by the […]
April 12, 2023
Incorporating A Social Work Professional Corporation or Social Service Professional Corporation in Ontario

Social Workers and Social Service Workers in Ontario that wish to practice their profession through a corporation may only do so through an Ontario professional corporation. A Social Work Professional Corporation or Social Service Work Professional Corporation is simply a corporation that is subject to the conditions set out in the Ontario Business Corporations Act […]
April 12, 2023
What Type of Business Structure is Right for You? Sole Proprietorship vs Partnership vs Corporation

There are several different types of business structures that exist, which you should keep in mind when setting up your business. You have several options: you may operate as a sole proprietorship, a partnership (a general partnership, limited liability partnership, or limited partnership), or a corporation. In this article, we will give you a brief […]
April 12, 2023
The Importance of Having an Accountant for Your Business

There are a number of reasons to operate your business through a corporation (check out our blog about reasons to incorporate here), but the tax benefits that are available to corporations is one of the most important. Accordingly, if you are trying to decide whether or not you should retain an accountant for your corporation/business, […]
April 6, 2023
Incorporate a Personal Real Estate Corporation – The Essentials

If you’re making more than you need to live on, Real Estate Agents can save taxes if they incorporate. Bottom Line.
September 7, 2022
How to Obtain a CRA Tax Account

Incorporating in Canada: what you need to know about CRA tax accounts.
September 7, 2022
A Guide to Professional Corporations In Ontario

What is Professional Corporation? A complete guide to incorporating a regulated health or other professional practice.
September 7, 2022
Incorporating a Medicine Professional Corporation in Ontario

What is a Medicine Professional Corporation? A complete guide to incorporating a medical practice in Ontario.
September 7, 2022
Should I incorporate Federally or In Ontario?

When you decide to incorporate in Canada, one of the very first things you will need to decide is where you want your corporation to be incorporated.
September 7, 2022
Incorporating a Law Professional Corporation in Ontario

Everything you need to know about Incorporating a Law Professional Corporation in Ontario.
September 5, 2022
Dental Professional Incorporation in Ontario

What is a Dentistry Professional Corporation? Learn the Process for Incorporating a Dentistry/Dental Professional Corporation in Ontario.
August 10, 2022
Deciding whether to Incorporate in Ontario? Here are some things you may not know.

To incorporate or not to incorporate in Ontario, that is the question. It’s an important one indeed, and what you do is likely to have a significant impact on your business and even your personal life. As far as the benefits of incorporation go, running a simple internet search brings up a tantalizing array of advantages such as […]
August 10, 2022
Are You Compliant? What Your Business Needs to Know

Meeting business compliance requirements in Ontario can seem overwhelming. In addition to requirements related to your specific business and operations, there are ongoing business compliance requirements related to your corporation to keep it in good standing. Compliance issues range from preparing annual resolutions, ensuring the government has the most up-to-date information related to your corporation, […]
August 10, 2022
Business Startup – The First Year: What’s in a Brand: A Primer on How to Successfully Create and Promote Your Brand

Part 1: Creating a Brand Thanks to the advances of the digital age, becoming a global brand is no longer the domain of big, multinational corporations with formidable starting capital. Today, with the help of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other popular social media platforms, and a bit of search engine optimization (SEO) know-how, even small […]
August 10, 2022
Top 10 Reasons to Incorporate in Ontario

The prospect of incorporating a business in Ontario may seem exciting or overwhelming, perhaps both, but there’s a reason you’re thinking about incorporation, right? For example, it gives your business several layers of protection that sole proprietorships don’t get. Here’s a look at that advantage and others. 1. Limited Liability Protection/Asset Protection After you incorporate […]
August 10, 2022
What is Included in the Articles of Incorporation

When you want to form a corporation in Ontario, you will need to prepare and file articles of incorporation. The articles of incorporation is the document that brings your corporation into existence, and sets out certain features of the corporation, for example, any restriction on the business that may be carried on, the classes of […]
August 10, 2022
Understanding Contracts: Independent Contractor vs. Employee

The line between independent contractors and employees can be murky. The courts and the Canada Revenue Agency look at multiple factors and tests to determine whether someone is an independent contractor or an employee. One important thing to keep in mind: Just because you’re being characterized as an independent contractor, that doesn’t mean that at […]
August 10, 2022
Business Startup – The First Year: Why Choosing a Name is Important and How to Do It

Some people dread it. Some obsess about it. Some simply want to be through with it. If you’ve ever done it yourself, you’d probably agree that the process of choosing a name for your company or brand tends to stir extreme emotions. But is a name really that important? After all, your clients and investors […]
August 10, 2022
How to Start a Business in Ontario

Wondering how to start a business in Ontario? You’re far from alone. Each business has a unique backstory, but many follow this general pattern: The business started by taking on small jobs or selling small quantities of goods or services and gradually ramped up to execute large projects. This is a great way to get […]
August 10, 2022
Trademark Basics? Should I Register a Trademark Now or Later?

As a business person, it’s challenging to decide what issues are of critical importance now and which can be tackled later. Intellectual property or IP protection is precisely one of those issues. You may rightly feel that your ideas, designs or products are the lifeblood of your business and that you need to protect them […]
June 26, 2019
Why Incorporate in Ontario with a Lawyer?

The business that may have started as a germ of an idea has grown by leaps and bounds, and you’re ready to incorporate in Ontario. There are two main paths to incorporation that you can take. One is to go it yourself, maybe with help from a do-it-yourself online service. The other path is to […]
June 26, 2019
5 Steps to Choosing the Right Accountant for Your Business

Accounting can seem like a black-and-white profession. Numbers are numbers. Ten accountants should be able to assess the same financial records and come up with duplicate figures for cash flow, net income, profit and loss, sales and so on. Ditto for dealing with tax returns. Not so fast. There are “right accountants” and “wrong accountants” for […]