How to Incorporate in Ontario and Canada

What are the Main Advantages of Incorporating?

To begin, it’s good to know the two key benefits of incorporating:

Tax Advantages


The small business deduction

The small business deduction effectively lowers your  corporate tax rate to about 12.5% in Ontario on the first $500,000 you make  each year. There are certain eligibility requirements for the small business deduction. First, it’s available on your active business income only (not income from passive investments) and second, it is only available to Canadian Controlled Private Corporations (referred to as CCPC’s). Keep in mind that this is a deferral only meaning that once you pull money out of your company it becomes your personal income and is taxed at the marginal tax rates on your T1 return. To the extent that you can leave the earnings in the company, the deferral “lives” and you can use the additional money to grow and invest in your business at a lower tax rate.

The lifetime capital gains exemption

If you sell shares of your business down the road, you may be able to take approximately $913,000 off the table tax free. In other words, you will not have a to pay capital gains tax on the proceeds of the sale up to your lifetime exemption limit of approx. $913,000. As with the small business deduction, there are certain eligibility requirements. Generally speaking, the exemption is available on sale of shares by an individual who has held the shares for at least 24 months. You can read about some of the other eligibility requirements here. Note that if you don’t use the entire exemption amount in one transaction, the balance can be carried forward.

Limited Liability

A corporation is considered a separate legal person and can enter into contracts, borrow money and own property. As the theory of limited liability goes, if your corporation is a party to a contract, the corporation alone should be liable for a breach of that contract. Or, if your corporation borrows money, it alone should be responsible to repay the loan. So, the concept of limited liability means that you are separate from your company and are not generally responsible for its debts, obligations or liabilities.

Keep in mind that limited liability is a general rule and there are definitely exceptions in the real world. For example, if your company borrows money from a bank, they usually require that you personally guarantee repayment of the loan. Or, if your company wants to lease commercial space, the landlord may ask that you personally guarantee payment of the rent. There are ways to minimize personal guarantees, but be aware that the limited liability protection of a corporation is not absolute. You should also know that directors of a company have personal responsibility in certain circumstances. Specifically, if your company owes money for taxes or employee deductions to the government, you as a director can be held personally liable for these amounts.

Other Benefits

Along with these two key benefits, there are several other advantages that we have addressed in our blog article, “Top Ten Reasons to Incorporate in Ontario”, including:

  • Perpetual Existence
  • Advantages when Raising Capital
  • Easier to Include Multiple Owners
  • Tax Advantages when transferring Ownership
  • Avoiding Transitional Expenses Later

If you want to learn more about a corporation raising capital through debt or equity, check out this article.

What is the right legal structure for my business?

Everyone starting a business should consider this question:

What is the best business structure for me?

You basically have a few options when starting a business.


Sole Proprietor

If you go into business by yourself, you can operate as a sole proprietor. You register a business name, get a Business Number, and an HST Number if needed, and you’re off to the races.  This is a simple structure and the least expensive option. However, with a sole proprietorship, you are personally responsible for the debts and liabilities of the business. You will also pay income tax on your earnings at your personal marginal tax rate in the same year you made the money. So, the potential liability and tax burden is typically higher.

General Partnership

If you go into business with others, you can operate as a general partnership. The same considerations apply as above. You will also generally be personally responsible for the debts and liabilities of the partnership whether you created them or not. This means that if your partner borrows money, buys equipment on credit or rents office space, you are personally on the hook as well.


Whether you go into business by yourself or with others, you can incorporate a company. A corporation is a separate legal person at law with all the rights and privileges of a natural person. It can own property, enter into contracts and carry on business.

Choosing the proper business structure is important and you may want to consult a lawyer.

Should I incorporate Now or Later?

In deciding whether to incorporate now or later you will have to weigh the costs and benefits.

In terms of the costs, there is an initial set up fee to incorporate and organize your company.  You’ll also be required to file a corporate tax return and deal with other annual compliance requirements.

One strategy is to wait to incorporate until you’re earning enough to take full advantage of the tax benefits. Keep in mind however that moving from a sole proprietorship or partnership to a corporate structure down the road, once your business is profitable, will likely involve costs over and above setting up the new company. Assets may need to be transferred and liabilities assumed. This type of reorganization will require your accountant’s input and the assistance of a lawyer. You’ll likely avoid transitional costs if you incorporate now while your business is just starting up.

Although you may not be able to take full advantage of the tax benefits to start, limited liability protection starts right away and given the other advantages, it may be better to incorporate now rather than wait.

Should I incorporate Federally or Provincially?

In Canada, there are two levels of government that oversee, manage and regulate incorporations. The federal government incorporates companies through Corporations Canada and, at the provincial level, each province offers incorporations.  In Ontario, the Ontario government incorporates companies through the Ontario Business Registry.  Basically, there are two levels of government doing the same thing and providing essentially the same product.

However, there are a few differences to consider:


Name protection

You may get more name protection across Canada with a federal company. Keep in mind if you’re really concerned about your brand, you may want to consider a trademark.

Extra provincial registration

If you are a Canadian business and you need to register as an extra provincial corporation, it may be easier to effect the registration if you’re starting off with a federal company. Why? Most provinces don’t require that you get another NUANS report when filing an extra-provincial registration for a federally incorporated company.


If there’s a chance you’ll be moving to another province, we sometimes recommend a federal company because it’s more easily “transportable” – meaning that you just change the registered office address and file the extra provincial registration in the province where you’ll be moving.


Ontario corporations are more expensive initially, but Federal corporations may be more expensive in the long term.

Filing Fee

The government filing fee for an Ontario corporation is $100 more than for a federal company. And, you’ll have to file a Form 1 initial return with the Ministry for which there is an extra charge.

Federal Annual Returns

There’s an additional annual filing for a federal corporation (called an annual return) which is separate and apart from your tax return and there is currently a $20 cost to file the return each year. Accordingly, the initial cost savings of a federal corporation will be offset by the additional ongoing annual return filing over time.

How long does it take to incorporate?

For Ontario corporations, the entire process can be completed within 2-3 business hours. That’s because the incorporation documents are filed automatically. For federal corporations, the process takes a bit longer. The reason is that the application goes in front of an examiner who will review the application and in particular the NUANS name search to make sure there are no conflicting names out there. Assuming there are no issues with your chosen name, federal incorporations are usually completed in a day or two.

Should I incorporate by myself or use a lawyer?

There are a couple of considerations to this question which are detailed in our article about Why Incorporate with a Lawyer (and not Incorporate by Yourself).

Below is a summary of the main points:

Incorporating with a Lawyer:


PROS: Advice, Accuracy and Customization

Although not terribly complex, incorporating is still a legal process that requires you to understand how to incorporate as well as the NUANS name search process, the articles of incorporation and back end paperwork (which deals with the procedural rules (known as by-laws), election of directors, appointment of officers and the issuance of shares to name a few). That’s a lot to consider.  If you try to incorporate yourself, you run the risk of getting some things wrong. Plus, you’ll spend your time and energy away from what you really need to do, which is building your business. A law firm can provide legal and practical advice and a customized solution for your particular circumstance.

CONS: Cost and Timing

Traditional law firms generally charge $1200-$1500 + tax for a corporation and organizational documents and the process may take a couple of weeks or so. (Note that our pricing is in line with most of the online services and our turnaround time is typically 1 business day. See the section on “why incorporate with Ordower Law” below).

Do-it-yourself Online Incorporation Services*


PROS: Cost and Timing

An online incorporation service provider will generally charge $800 – $900 + tax for a corporation and organizational paperwork.  These services can usually have everything done within a week or so.

CONS: No Legal Advice + One Size Fits All Approach + Hidden Fees

A online incorporation service will not provide legal advice.  In fact, they are careful to note that they do not provide legal services on their websites.  In terms of process, you are generally left on your own to fill in forms at a time when advice and guidance from a lawyer is important. Also, most of the online services provide standard paperwork and limited options in terms of customizing your articles and share provisions and they may not complete all necessary filings for you, including the Form 1 – Initial Return. Finally, be careful about hidden fees that pop up along the way when you’re processing your incorporation online – for example, many services will charge for HST numbers when you can easily obtain your tax accounts for free directly from CRA.

Why Incorporate with Ordower Law?

Ordower Law provides the value of an experienced corporate law firm for the price of a do-it-yourself on-line service, in a nutshell: the best of both worlds

You get:

  • The personalized service and advice of a full-service law firm,
  • The price and turnaround time of the do-it-yourself/self-help services,
  • The efficiency of working with a law firm that uses the latest technologies, and
  • Legal advice and resources for your business as it grows.

Price Comparison


Do-it-Yourself/Online Services Ordower Law Traditional Law Firms

$800 + up


$1400 + up


Extra Share Classes




Org Docs

Initial Return


HST / Payroll


Free From CRA

Free from CRA

Legal Advice / Customized Articles & Paperwork


Electronic Minute Book



Company Key


✓ = included
X = not included
AC = likely only included for an additional cost or not completed at all.
OS = one size fits all. Likely standard formation paperwork that hasn’t been vetted by a lawyer

What are the Articles of Incorporation and what is included in them?

In order to form a corporation in Ontario, Canada or any other province, you will need to prepare and file articles of incorporation. The certificate of incorporation and articles of incorporation are the documents that bring your corporation into existence, and set out certain features of the corporation, for example, any restriction on the business that may be carried on, the classes of shares that can be issued and any share transfer restrictions. As such, proper preparation of your articles of incorporation is vital to your business.

You’ll include the following in your articles of incorporation: corporate name, registered office address, number of directors (fixed or range), business restriction (if any), share classes and their rights, privileges, restrictions and conditions, restrictions on transfer of shares and other provisions (if applicable).

Check out our blog post for more information on what’s included in your Articles of Incorporation.

Resident Canadian Director Requirements

Pursuant to Ontario’s Bill 213, the residency requirement for directors of Ontario corporations has now been removed effective July 5, 2021. This change provides greater flexibility for non-Canadians who wish to incorporate in Ontario as you can now incorporate with non-resident directors (rather than having to find a resident Canadian to sit on the board or incorporating in another jurisdiction).

For Federal corporations, there is a resident Canadian director requirement. At least 25% of the directors must be resident Canadians, but where a corporation has less than 4 directors, at least 1 needs to be resident Canadian.”

So, if one person is on the board, that person needs to be resident Canadian and, if two people are on the board, at least one of two needs to be resident Canadian. We understand “resident Canadian” to mean that the person is a Canadian citizen or has PR status and ordinarily lives in Canada. If you do not have this status, you can still incorporate an Ontario or federal company so long as you can find a resident Canadian to sit on the board of directors with you (like a close friend or relative). If that person agrees to act, you may have to obtain directors insurance or provide an indemnity to them (i.e. agree to cover their costs, expenses or losses) if they encounter liability through no fault of their own while acting as a director.

What are Shareholders, Directors and Officers?

This is a common question. Basically,



Shareholders own the company (receive dividends or build equity if things go well). When you go to sell your business, the equity shareholders will be entitled to the proceeds of sale of the business based on their proportionate holdings. The shareholders elect the directors to manage the business and affairs of the company (the people who sit around the board room table discussing the bigger picture).


Directors are responsible for managing (or supervising the management) of the business and affairs of the corporation. They essentially make the big decisions such as whether to raise capital, issue shares or declare dividends. Keep in mind that a shareholders agreement can remove certain powers from the directors and put it in the hands of the shareholders.


Officers are appointed by the directors to run the day to day business. The officers are the people on the street carrying out the marching orders.

If you want to learn more about directors, officers and shareholders, check out this article.

What are shares and the different types of share classes?

Shares are the ownership units of a corporation. If only one person owns shares, that person owns 100% of the corporation. If two people each own 100 shares of a corporation, then those two people each own 50% of the corporation and so on.

There are two basic types of shares:


Common shares

These are the equity shares. As your business grows in value, these shares grow in value. They are usually entitled to receive dividends in any amount and the remaining assets and property of the corporation on liquidation or dissolution. They can also be voting or non-voting.

Special or Preferred shares

These are usually fixed value type shares meaning that they are only entitled to receive a fixed amount of money when they are “redeemed” or sold back to the company. They sometimes carry the right to receive dividends in any amount and sometimes dividends are capped at a certain rate (i.e. 8% per year). Other provisions you see with special shares include redemption and retraction rights, price adjustment clauses and convertible features. They can also be voting or non-voting. They are sometimes used for tax-based transactions or issued to investors.

In completing your articles of incorporation, you will be required to set out the classes of shares that your corporation is authorized to issue.

You can include multiple classes of Common shares and multiple classes of Special or Preferred shares. In determining how many classes you should authorize in your articles, there are really two schools of thought.

Some lawyers/accountants like to include a whole bunch of different classes of shares in anticipation of using these shares down the road, for things like income splitting, if available, and tax reorganizations. Other lawyers/accountants like to include what is needed to get going and then create different classes of shares down the road if and when needed by amending the articles. It’s really just a matter of choice.

Keep in mind that where a corporation has only one class of shares, those shares have all the basic rights including the right to vote at meetings, to receive dividends and to receive the remaining property of the corporation upon dissolution.

If you work with Ordower Law on your incorporation, we’ll discuss the share classes that make sense in your circumstances.

If you want to read more about setting up share classes, check out this article.

What is an Extra-Provincial Registration?

If your company wants to “carry on business” in a particular province, it must be registered in that province. Whether a person is carrying on business is a question of fact that requires consideration of relevant facts. Note that generally speaking, you will not be carrying on business in another province if you are located in Ontario, but ship an individual or business products from Ontario or provide individuals or businesses services from Ontario.


Ontario Corporation

If your Ontario company wants to carry on business in any other province, it must file an extra-provincial registration. If, for example, you open an Ontario company, but are going to be hiring employees or setting up offices in British Columbia, the Ontario company will need to file an extra-provincial registration in British Columbia.

Federal Corporation

Federal corporations are also required to file an extra-provincial registration in each province that they intend to carry on business in. It is a common myth that incorporating federally gives you the right to “carry on business” in every province.  When you incorporate federally make sure that you file an extra-provincial registration in the province that you will be carrying on business in at the time of incorporation.  We file your Ontario extra-provincial registration automatically when we process your federal incorporation.

Foreign Corporations

Foreign companies are also able to obtain a license to “carry on business” in each province. Foreign companies will have to fulfill additional requirements, including providing a current Certificate of Status from their foreign jurisdiction, appointing an agent for service and including a NUANS reservation.

How to choose a Fiscal Year End?

Unlike individuals, corporations can choose their year-end for tax purposes (known as a fiscal year). For individuals, your tax year-end is December 31st and your T1 return is due April 30th – there’s no choice. For corporations, here are a couple of thoughts:


Wait the longest time before filing your first return

If you want to wait the longest time possible before having to file your first income tax return, you could choose the end of the month before the month you incorporated (i.e. if you incorporated on April 15, you could choose March 31st as your fiscal year end). This means you’d have almost a full year before you hit your first fiscal year-end.

Choose a calendar year end

You may want to look at your financial picture from a calendar year perspective and this would also help you coordinate the filing of your personal return and corporate.

Talk to your accountant first

You don’t have to make the decision right away and your accountant may have some preferred times during the year when they can better handle your work.

Choosing an accountant is a really important decision for your business, here are some things to consider when choosing an accountant.

The Difference between a Business Name and a Trademark?

A business name or trade name allows you to carry on business under that name in the specific province you registered, but doesn’t really offer you any name protection.  Whereas a trademark actually offers you name protection – meaning that you may be able to prevent others from using that name.


Business Name

Business Name/Trade Name is also known as an “operating as” name or “doing business as” name.  If you’re a sole proprietor and don’t want to operate under your personal name, you can register a business name, which effectively creates your sole proprietorship. And, if you’re incorporated, and you want to operate under a name other than your corporate name, your company can register a separate business name, which creates a “doing business as” name. In the corporate context, this is especially common for numbered companies (i.e. 1234567 Ontario Inc. dba Jim’s Garage).


A trademark is a combination of letters, words or designs that can be registered with Industry Canada. The entire trademark process can take approx. 2 years to complete.  Keep in mind that a Canadian trademark registration only offers you protection in Canada.  Check out our blog article on  registering trademarks.

What is a Shareholder Agreement?

Simply put, a shareholders’ agreement is a contract between the owners of a company that regulates their rights and obligations in a variety of situations relating to the company’s ownership and operations.

Shareholder agreements usually deal with the following: decision making of the board and shareholders, funding obligations, sale events for death, disability, insolvency, default and others, share transfer restrictions, rights of first refusal, divorce provisions such as a shotgun clause, defining roles and responsibilities, restricting competitive activities and maintaining confidentiality and others.

Check out our blog post for more information on Shareholders’ Agreements.

For a more detailed discussion of the provisions found in these agreements, you may want to review this article Anatomy of a shareholders’ agreement.

Professional Corporations. Physicians, Dentists and more...

Certain regulated professions permit their members to operate through a professional corporation. These professions include lawyers, accountants, doctors, dentists and a number of other regulated health professionals. The articles of incorporation for professional corporations have certain restrictions relating to the business that the corporation can carry on. In addition, generally speaking, only members of the profession can be shareholders of a professional corporation.

It is important to note that professionals can’t shield their professional liability to clients or patients by incorporating. They incorporate to take advantage of corporate tax benefits, including the small business deduction which effectively lowers corporate income tax rates on active business income.

After incorporating a professional corporation, professionals will have to prepare and file the application materials with their respective College or other governing body to obtain a certificate of authorization to practice their profession in Ontario through the professional corporation. The materials that are submitted as part of the application typically consist of an application form, a copy of the certificate of incorporation, a declaration signed by a company director, a corporate profile report obtained from the Ministry of Government and Consumer Services and payment of an application fee directly to the College or other governing body (which is an additional cost). These fees are usually non-refundable and average out at around $400 depending on your specific profession.

You can also read our guide to professional incorporations in Ontario on our blog.

If you are a lawyer, accountant, Physician, Dentist, or other regulated health professional, we can certainly help you incorporate.

Personal Real Estate Corporations - PRECs

In 2021, a new regulation was introduced under the Real Estate and Business Brokers Act (Ontario) which gave real estate agents in Ontario the right to operate their real estate business through a personal real estate corporation (often referred to as “PREC”), and have any remuneration owed to them paid by their brokerage to the PREC. Prior to this, real estate agents could only operate as sole proprietors. This meant that all real estate commissions earned by a real estate agent were subject to tax at their personal tax rates instead of the lower small business tax rate that other professionals were able to take advantage of.

With the introduction of this regulation, Ontario realtors are finally able to take advantage of the tax savings offered to other regulated professionals.

What is a Personal Real Estate Corporation (PREC)?

A Personal Real Estate Corporation (or PREC) is a corporation that is incorporated in Ontario but that is subject to certain regulations and restrictions in the way it can be organized, who it can issue shares to and what kind of remuneration it can receive. The PREC must be compliant with the requirements set out in the regulations in order for real estate agent’s brokerage to be permitted to pay the real estate’s remuneration to the PREC.
Although a PREC is not considered a professional corporation under the Business Corporations Act (Ontario), it functions in a very similar way.

How do PRECs work?

When the personal real estate corporation is formed, you have created a new person at law that receives the revenue, pays the expenses and is a separate taxpayer for your real estate business. Once incorporated CRA will automatically assign a new business number to this corporation. Your PREC will need to register for a new HST number and a payroll number, if applicable.

Since the PREC, and not the real estate agent, will be receiving the commissions from the brokerage, any money paid to the real estate agent personally will generally be paid from the PREC to the real estate agent by way of dividend or salary. By leaving money in the PREC (i.e. savings over and above your living expenses), you will be effectively lowering your income tax burden in a given year and can use the savings from that tax deferral for other investment purposes

Benefits of Incorporating a PREC:

Tax Savings: The main reason a real estate agents will want to incorporate an Ontario Personal Real Estate Corporation is for tax savings. By incorporating a PREC, real estate agents will be able to take advantage of the small-business deduction that is available on active business income for Canadian Controlled Private Corporations. The corporate tax rate is ~12.5%

Tax Deferral: By forming a PREC, real estate agents will also have the ability to leave behind a portion of their business income in the PREC and ultimately defer the payment of personal taxes on this income until the real estate professional decides to pay themselves.
Flexibility of Remuneration: PRECs allow you to access different types of payment options. Generally speaking the PREC can pay the real estate a dividend or the real estate agent can be an employee of the PREC and receive a salary.

Income Splitting: Because the regulations allow family members to own non-equity/non-voting shares of a PREC, real estate agents may be able to benefit from certain income splitting arrangements. By issuing family members non-voting shares of the PREC, dividends can be paid to those shareholders in amounts and at times determined by the real estate agent. Those family members will then have to declare the dividend income on their personal tax returns instead of the real estate agents. Prior to issuing shares to family members or declaring dividends, you should speak to your accountant. Tax rules relating to income splitting are important to understand because the ability to income split with family members is subject to certain restrictions. Make sure you speak to your accountant before deciding to do so.

Next Steps:

Here at Ordower Law, we are committed to ensuring that this process is as smooth as possible for you. To help you with incorporating your PREC, we offer a full-service offering including incorporation and organization of your company, introductions to accountants if you don’t have one, informing RECO about your corporation, as well as traditional corporate services you may need in the future. Please contact us using the form below to get started or speak with a member of our team.

For additional information, please see our more detailed blog article on Personal Real Estate Corporations – PRECs

Now that I have incorporated, what comes next?

Once you have incorporated, here are a few additional topics to consider:


Signing the documents

Sign your minute book documents in hard copy (by printing them out) or electronically.


Open a corporate bank account. You’ll need to make an appointment with a small business advisor at your branch and bring your articles and certificate of incorporation. Anyone who will have signing authority should attend at the bank as they will have to sign the signature card and other documents. In addition, you may want to talk to the bank about a corporate credit card for a couple of reasons: (1) you probably don’t want to write cheques out of the account every time you go to Staples to buy a highlighter; (2) you’ll minimize bank charges by reducing the number of outgoing transactions from your account: and (3) you’ll build up your companies credit rating over time by successfully paying off your credit card bill.


Now may be the time to meet up with a few accountants and find someone you’re comfortable dealing with. This is an important business relationship that will grow over time and having an accountant by your side will help you take advantage of certain tax benefits that may be available. During our initial call we will discuss working with an accountant and put you in touch with some trusted accountants we have worked with before.


Considering insurance can be another way to manage your business risks. There are different types of insurance you may want to look into depending on the nature of your business. Ordower Law can always assist with finding the right insurance agent for you.

Getting your business, payroll and HST numbers

When incorporating a new company, you will get a business number and may obtain an HST and/or payroll number. It’s important to understand when and why you should get these numbers:


Business Number

Your Business Number is the root of all your tax accounts with CRA (i.e. HST, payroll, corporate income tax, import/export).

The three most common tax accounts are –

Corporate Income Tax



Your Business Number and corporate income tax number are assigned automatically by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) when you incorporate. For federal corporations, your Business Number is now sent to you by Corporations Canada at the time of incorporation along with your other incorporation documents. For Ontario companies, you will receive a letter in the mail from CRA with your Business Number in approx. 7-10 days following the incorporation or you can obtain it sooner online or by calling CRA at 1-800-959-5525 and speaking to a live agent.

Find out how to obtain your CRA tax accounts.


GST/HST and Payroll Numbers

Like your Business Number, an HST Number and Payroll Number are also free to get. There is no need to pay anyone to obtain these accounts for you. All you have to do is call Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) at 1-800-959-5525 and speak to a live agent. You’ll be assigned the accounts you need on the spot, free of charge. We recommend that you get an HST Number or Payroll Number when you need them but not before. Remember once you get these numbers, you’ll have regular filing obligations.

When is HST Mandatory?

If you expect to generate more than $30,000 in sales, you’ll generally have to charge and remit HST. Keep in mind that from the HST you collect, you can deduct HST that you paid out on your purchases and are generally only required to remit the difference to CRA.

When should I get a Payroll Number?

If you are hiring employees, including paying yourself as an employee, you will need to obtain a payroll number and remit source deductions to CRA. When your company starts making revenue, one of the things you’ll want to think about is how you are paying yourself.  Generally speaking, you can pay yourself a dividend or you can pay yourself a salary.  There are different considerations for each option.

Ontario Business Registry

The Ontario Business Registry (“OBR”) is a secure online platform that allows businesses to complete transactions online with the Ontario government, including incorporating and registering business names for sole proprietorships or partnerships. Once your business is incorporated, the OBR will allow you to complete additional filings online for your corporation, including filing Articles of Amendment, Articles of Dissolution, the Initial Return, Notices of Change and Annual Returns. The Ontario Business Registry is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

How to access the Ontario Business Registry

To access the Ontario Business Registry, you will need to register for a ONe-Key Account, which can be done through the official OBR website. Once your account is created, you will be able to access the OBR.

To access your corporation’s profile, log in to your ONe-Key Account and click on “Create a Profile,” providing the required information when prompted. Enter your corporation’s name or number in the search box, select the associated link, and enter your company key. You will then be able to access your corporation’s file.

For companies incorporated after October 19, 2021, a Company Key is automatically issued. For companies incorporated before this date or those who have misplaced their Company Key, a request can be made through the OBR. The Ontario Ministry will then send you the Company Key to either the official email address on file or the registered address associated with the corporation.

What information is listed in the Ontario Business Registry?

With access to your corporation’s profile, you can access detailed information surrounding the corporation, including the Ontario corporation number (OCN), business number, incorporation date, status, official email, and more. Furthermore, you have access to important details regarding the structure of your corporation including its address, director(s), officer(s), and any filed business name registrations.

Can I make any changes to my corporation through the Ontario Business Registry?

The Ontario Business Registry allows you to make various changes to your corporation, each requiring different filings, some of which may involve associated fees. To ensure that you are submitting accurate information and completing the correct filings, it is important to seek guidance from a lawyer.

Another available option is the business name registration, which allows your corporation to operate under another name. Prior to proceeding, consult with a lawyer to ensure that this is the correct option for your corporation’s goals.

Once you have completed your filings, documents related to your submission may be sent to your designated contact email or accessible under the filings tab in your corporation’s profile,

Can I order reports about my corporation through the Ontario Business Registry?

The Ontario Business Registry also allows you to order corporate reports. There are three different types: (1) Corporation Profile Report, (2) Document Copies, and (3) Certificate of Status. Select the desired report type and fill out the required information. You will receive your documents in the email you provided when ordering. If you require assistance when ordering reports for incorporation or renewal, Ordower Law is here to assist.

At Ordower Law, we can help you with any filings or changes you would like complete for your corporation and ensure that you have the proper documentation to reflect these changes.

Access the Ontario Business Registry

Now that I have incorporated, what comes next?

Once you have incorporated, here are a few additional topics to consider:


Annual Compliance

Below is a list of the key annual corporate compliance requirements that you will need to manage for your corporation. Note that these are in addition to the requirement of your company to file its tax return (see also Table 1):

Annual Meeting / Annual Resolutions

Each year the directors and shareholders are required to have a meeting (or sign resolutions in lieu of that meeting) to approve the financial statements of the company, approve the issuance of dividends/bonuses etc., if any, appoint accountants and confirm and ratify other matters.

Additional Requirement for Federally Incorporated Companies

Federally incorporated companies are also required to file an annual return every year with Corporations Canada. If you have signed up for email notifications with Corporations Canada (which you can do through their online filing centre), you will be notified by email when it is due. This return is NOT related to taxes and is in addition to your corporate tax return. You can also search your federal corporation by following this link. It will indicate when your annual report is due each year.

Note that failure to file this return for two years in a row will result in the dissolution of your company.

Table 1: Corporate Compliance


Who to File With



Corporate Tax Return


Annual Minutes/Resolutions

Keep in Minute Book

Annual Return

Corporations Canada

What records do I need to keep in my minute book?

Ontario corporations are required to prepare and maintain, at its registered office or at such other place in Ontario designated by the directors:

  • the articles and the by-laws and a copy of any unanimous shareholder agreement;
  • minutes of meetings and resolutions of directors and shareholders;
  • a register of directors with names and residential addresses;
  • a share/security register setting out the ownership of shares and other securities;
  • a register of ownership interests in land; and
  • adequate accounting records.

There are similar provisions that apply to federally incorporated companies. This is a good summary of the record keeping and other obligations for federal corporations.

Bennett Gold LLP and Ordower Law


Ordower Law has been working closely with Robert and his team at Bennett Gold LLP for many years. We regularly provide legal services to their clients, and vice-versa.

Bennett Gold has strong track record of helping Start-Up Entrepreneurs, Leaders of Growing Companies and Owners of Maturing Companies -- from across all industries -- achieve success.

As a result, Bennett Gold was named the 'Accounting Firm Of Choice For Entrepreneurs' - in Toronto Life Magazine.

Bennett Gold offers Accounting, Audit and Tax services for businesses as well as a suite of services to increase business performance. Bennett Gold also helps families and individuals who want the confidence that only comes with choosing an experienced accounting firm with integrity.

While based in mid-Toronto, Bennett Gold serves clients throughout the Toronto region, including municipalities/townships such as:

Ajax - Aurora - Brampton - Burlington - Etobicoke - Markham - Mississauga - Newmarket - Oakville - Oshawa - Pickering - Richmond Hill - Whitby.

Robert has also put together a comprehensive guide for new entrepreneurs with a wealth of pertinent information you can download the Entrepreneur's Playbook at this link

You can connect with the team at Bennett Gold by following this link. To book a call with Ordower Law, please fill out the contact form below.
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